Wednesday 27 June 2007

Wed 27 Jun 07, indoor football & S2F training group

Funny day here in Melbourne, most of the day the temp gauges showed 12 degrees but Weatherzone was saying the 'feels like' was 7.2 degrees and that was at 2pm! Anyway that's what clothes are for!!!

Played soccer at 12pm, we had no subs and it was a tightly contested game, so a great workout and I was drenched in sweat, thank goodness we were inside.

Left work at 5:15pm, jacket, LS top, singlet and long Skins pants. I jogged a lap of the Tan and then made my way to Fed Square for the Training Group, where I took the 5k group so I could leave early for the AV Summer AGM.

Even with this very ordinary weather I had 12 participants in my 5k group, very surprised. After the run I did some basic stretching and then jogged back to work, showered and changed and then off to Olympic Park to act as a voting delegate for my Club at the Summer AGM.

1 comment:

jojo said... certainly was cold out there me..i was water running at 2 pm felt like 2 degrees..joanne... hopefully you will realise how funny that sign off is to me!!!