Monday 25 June 2007

Tagged, bloggers getting to know each other

Well Jo attempted to tag me, but she named me fourth so I refused to respond as everyone was only picking three people, but ajh tagged me fairly and so here are my one word responses (I might cheat and use more than one word) but being true to myself I will not tag anyone.

1. Where is your cell phone? Pocket (vibrate ;-) )
2. Relationship? nup
3. Your hair? messed
4. Work? Administrator
5. Your sister? three
6. Your favourite thing? money
7. Your dream last night? no comment
8. Your favourite drink? Vodka Lime & Soda
9. Your dream car? BMW
10. The room you’re in? lounge
11. Your shoes? Ugg boots
12. Your fears? Failure
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? alive
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? bestfriend
15. What are you not good at? this
16. Muffin? yuk cake
17. Wish list item? money
18. Where you grew up? nomad
19. The last thing you did? meeting
20. What are you wearing? trackies
21. What are you not wearing? contacts
22. Your pet? none
23. Your computer? HP Notebook
24. Your life? single, separated & divorced
25. Your mood? reserved
26. Missing? ?
27. What are you thinking about? hmmm
28. Your car? Honda Euro
29. Your kitchen? rental
30. Your summer? boring
31. Your favourite colour? purple
32. Last time you laughed? today (not really sure)
33. Last time you cried? no comment
34. School? left 1984
35. Love? Yep


Anonymous said...

Looks like we both want the same thing in 10 years :-)

When I get my Merc and you get your BMW lets race them!

Andrew(ajh) said...

But I'll beat you both in my Mini Cooper S Turbo !