Thursday 28 June 2007

Thu 28 Jun 07, the Tan & faster intervals

With my normal fartlek session cancelled this morning I thought I would stick to doubling up with a very light session and then something a little harder. So I arrived in the city before 6:30am and jogged a slow lap of the Tan in 19 minutes, somehow I dodged all of the rain and it wasn't too cold either, but I did keep my jacket and Skins on, but overall it wasn't too cold.

Throughout the day it became apparent that a few non regular track trainer guys were going to be at the track. Strangely I went from setting my session and expecting to do so by myself, but I ended completing with a group of six. Randall, George (Willi AC), Cam, Luke, Cookie & me, also Darren & Bec were doing 800s. My session was what we went with, 8x400m 82 sec per lap for me with a 200m float.

We all started together, Luke was given retraint orders and I knew I would sit at the back. The float was a good float, but I would have preferred a tad slower, so after 4 reps I changed from the 200m float to a diagonal float as we were running approx 10:15 3k pace but I wanted to take advantage of the pack and stick with them on the reps.

83 66
82 61
83 65
83 64
82 60
80 62
82 61

After we finished I placed on some extra clothing and then ran 4 laps of the track in lane 4/5, some chatting, stretching and then off to a meeting/dinner to organise our Coliban Ekiden Relay teams (good elevation graphs). This year is quite different, normally I just go with the flow, but as one of the 'coaches' now I actually get a say, as well I am the Club Winter Manager and love to be involved.... :-) Due to injuries it looks like I have 'just' squeezed into the Div 6 team, which sadly will mean the easiest leg as that goes to the slowest runner, I was looking forward to be being the number 1 or 2 in Div 7 and getting one of the BIG legs. :-(

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