Thursday 7 June 2007

Thu 07 Jun 07, light fartlek & indoor football

I ran from work to Fawkner Park (over 1km) to meet Clare for her fartlek session, a good solid session for her, improving each week. Of course this gives me a few kms in the legs in the morning which should be a part of doubling up, but with a game of indoor soccer at lunch (only 4/5 players) and a big few days before I have found that I was very tired and I skipped tonight's track session.

Legs tired, knees tired, a few sore spots in the hip region and just overall tiredness. And with work shitting me off it makes one upset Stu.


Tesso said...

TGIF :-)

Ewen said...


I wonder how fast we'd be if we didn't have to work!

Anonymous said...

But it's a long weekend, yaaaay and I had such a busy week I kept forgetting.

Hope you have a relaxing 3 days off.