Tuesday 1 May 2007

Tue 01 May 07, a track session

At the track about 4:40ish, straight into my 3k w/up with Cam which was good for a chat with my oldest, chatting about work & just general stuff. After my warm up I did some dynamic stretching, skipping and then some other work using the fence fo support whilst doing some leg swings. Then onto the track for some sideways stepping, criss cross steps, heel to bum & quick high knees. Then Adam K joined me after his w/up and we did 5x60m strides before starting our session of 600/600/800/800/600/600 at 3:45 per km pace, 90 sec per 400, with a 60 sec walking recovery.


Obviously faster than my 10k (way faster - yes), but was a good solid session which I was in control but working, will start to pick up the distance of the repeats in coming weeks. Finished with a 2km cool down and then ran three people through some drills and strides and then stretched whilst watching their session.

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