Thursday 3 May 2007

Thu 03 May 07, a morning coaching session

Well my toe is very sore and I'm not really sure how I will run this morning, I'm limping whilst walking... I'm meeting Clare on the Tan this morning for her session as she has other commitments in the evening and so we agree to meet at 6:30am, which would normally be great for me, an easy session in the morning and then back it up with some 1k reps in the evening at my 10k pace. The toe is swollen and there is some visible bruising.

I arrived at the Barracks about 6:20, upto work and drop my gear off, then trot over to the Tan, ow ow ow. Clare arrives and sees me start running and starts laughing, "I can't run with you if you're going to run like that!", a slight limp but as we warmed up it improved, but running down even the slightest incline placed more pressure than was comfortable.

After a four minute jog we started off with some dynamic stretching, some drills and then some glute strengthen exercises followed by some 1/2 lunges, then we jogged over to the pillars. Today's session was 6x250m with 1 min walking recovery, the first rep was a tad slower than I wanted but the remaining were very good. Happily I was able to runthese reps at Clare's pace with little discomfort.

Afterwards I noticed that my toe was more swollen so i decided to let Burkie know that I would rest tonight. Tonight, after 8pm, my toe is more swollen and a lot redder than this morning.


Ewen said...

Sounds nasty Stu. I hope you haven't broken it!

jojo said...

im putting on my best stu voice.. now im sure you wouldnt be training with an injury would you ;)
hope its ok..i broke a little toe answering a phone once ..which hurt a bit.... bruised the entire foot..
take it easy stu..

Anonymous said...

Ouch! That doesn't sound good Stu... Thanks for all of your comments my way re the injury, I'm trying to be good! Now take some of your own advice and rest up!!


Sorry, have to post as anon from here!

Anonymous said...

You know the old saying Stu....ICE, ICE, ICE

Hope the toe gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you Aussies should stick to your AFL!!! Hang on, I'll be an Aussie next week, I'll have to watch my toes!

MorseyRuns said...

I would definitely get that checked out- and I bet you would recommend that to everyone else too!I guess you aren't going to race the train now- maybe see you at the end.

Anonymous said...

Are you copying me?? I've got the same problem!! Hope we both get better soon, although I look unlikley for LaTrobe :(

Anonymous said...

Well you did look funny! At least people were looking strangely at you and not me for once.

We should organise to take the new Australian to a footy match.