Friday 4 May 2007

Fri 04 May 07, rest day

A planned rest day which fell nicely with my 'bruised' toe which I believe icing will not help, as it appears to be bruising of the bone, I could be wrong, but I'm not icing anyway.

A busy day at work, I'm working on a conceptual project which relates to my area of expertise but is mentally a hard task as my personality doesn't relate well to future models and planning, very much a 'here and now' sort of person. Myer Briggs: ISTP

This weekend the planned runs are as the 'rabbit' for a couple of Little A's races and then in the arvo a 60-70 min bush run at the Brisbane Ranges and a 90-100 minute run in the You Yangs on Sunday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hope the toe gets better soon Stu, good job you decided not to fork out the entry fee for GTR!

Clarkey said...

Sounds like me last year, when I did a great job on my toe, led to taping and strapping, then losing the nail etc. Over 6 months now and only just looks normal again.
Fortunately, I could run properly before I could walk properly....:?