Wednesday 18 April 2007

Wed 18 Apr 07, gym, indoor soccer & S2F coaching

In the gym at Vic Barracks at 6:30am for my first gym session in a few weeks, returning back to normal training has been slow and steady, the winter season is quite long. Today I reduced my weights and only did 2 sets of 15 reps of each exercise, some on the swiss ball and others not. All up 45 minutes and then 15 minutes of stretching concentrating on lower back, glutes & hamstrings.

Today I played a game of indoor soccer at lunchtime, whilst working up a good sweat I found this very easy, nowhere near as strenuous as outdoor. A forty minute game which I played about 30 minutes worth.

Tonight the S2F group, as normal I took the medium 10k group, only 7 in my group and 3 in the fast group, so we took off together and stuck together for the first 3km before they moved away. With a 12 min warm up around the Tan area whilst waiting for two friends who I was introducing to the group, then we slowly jogged to Fed Square and afterwards I jogged to Olympic Park for an AV Winter Team Manager meeting, so all up 15km for the evening.


jojo said...

15km is none too shabby!! plus soccer man!plus gym!!! okey doke my point is made.. and ps i agree in my head about what you said on mine...i just have to get my head and will power to hold hands!

Ewen said...

It'll be interesting to see how your early winter season races go. Our first major race is team relays on Anzac Day - always good fun.