Sunday, 1 April 2007

March 2007 Running Statistics

March km's - 177km (Mar 06 - 247km)

YTD - 815km

Injuries - A strained back muscle along my spine and a v.small tear in my hip (back)

Excuses - No excuses but unhappy that I couldn't get that third good month in!

Races - Final Shield Rd @ Coburg, Region Club Finals @ Newport & State Club Finals (Shield) @ OP

Upcoming races - AV 6k XC Relay on 28th.

Goals - Have another week of layoff and then starting building for a decent Winter season of racing, may even have to revisit racing the GTR.

Whilst I was disappointed that I needed to drop the k's dramatically and couldn't run at all without a lot of discomfort and a lot of anti-inflams I ended up racing some very good races this month. My coach thinks the break has really freshened me up and this helped with some GREAT controlled racing. I was hoping to work fairly hard for the first 2 weeks of the month and then drop it back, so I was hoping low 200s, but not to be and my back is fairly good now, only gets sore at the end of a long day.

Whilst still wanting to run the Great Train Race, I'm not sure, will depend how it all goes in the next few weeks. Need to work slowly back into it and get over some issues happening upstairs :-)

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