Wednesday 4 April 2007

Wed 04 Apr, S2F training group, plus

Another easy week and only running every 2nd day whilst having some 'down time' before preparing for the AV Winter Season, I am already becoming bored and am looking forward to some nice long runs and some hard rep work.

It has been suggested that another easy week after my few weeks lay off as a result of my back strain would be a good way or refreshing myself, both physically & mentally.

Tonight I cruised at a comfortable pace to Fed Sq and did the same afterwards, so adding the 10k medium group I added 12km for the day. Tonight I had eleven runners in my group and finding that there are a group who follow me most weeks, unless I am taking the fast groups, which I rarely do as I much prefer chatting and helping the new runners.


Anonymous said...

I was waiting at the lights outside the Fed Sq car park when you and your group ran in front of me last night, I was going to toot the horn but thought I would give you all a fright LOL

Still, it would have amused me :-)

Ewen said...

You'll be jumping out of your skin after this week Stu. I'm looking forward to the winter season too :)