Saturday 10 December 2005

Sat 10 Dec, Shield Comp @ Newport

10km today and 48km for the week so far

With warm ups, cool downs, a few strides & 2 races I ran at least 10km today. A beautiful morning and a nice arvo, mid 20's, a bit breezy and lots of sun, made for ok to good race weather.

Today's North West Shield comp was at Newport, home of Williamstown AC, program 1 (1500s, Steeples & 400s). Today I considered running the Steeple but I decided there wasn't much to gain from it and I thought I'd rather have a go at my 400 PB and collect some points for the club, where as I would have had to run Div 4 in the steeple and we do not have a team in that Div.

I was allocated the 3rd heat for the 1500, 19 starters, I finished 9th, but had a ball racing and I got a new PB, which is always good! The first lap was 77, then another 77 and the biggest surpise was the 3rd lap was 75, resulting in a finish of 4:47.07. Second time in the 47s but with the wind and big field I was very happy with my controlled race!!!

My second race was the 5th rounds of the 400s, was suppose to be the 63-65 group, I finished 5th in a PB (yep another one) of 61.00, nearly 2 seconds, the winner ran high 58s.

So overall a good days racing with some nice PBs, a nice way to finish off the track racing for the year, prior to Christmas. And for the club, we had 2 open runners who made their season debuts for the 1500 and 2 others for the 400s, good to see.


Anonymous said...

Great racing Stu. You should be very happy with your improvement this season, and so what if you missed one goal.. atleast you have one for next year, right?
Very inspiring blog, will drop by again. Oh yeah, nice photo!

Clairie said...

2 PB's in one day Stu!! We are not worthy! Wow truly that is great news and a fabulous finish to the week - and indeed year.

Sounds like the whole club had a good day out. Congratulations. concentrate on some chrissy parties :)