Wednesday 17 December 2008

The Tan and coaching

A nothing day really and I should have done more.... 2 easy laps of the Tan for lunch, no time, no watch!

To the track late arvo for coaching, no running for me, except to time fast reps. 14 kids tonight; I gave them their programs for the next 2 weeks, a few runs away from the track, some excited, some not!

Tonight was fast work, fast 2x200, 2x150, 2x100; as fast as they could go for each rep, NO mucking around!!! And young kids do want to muck around, but the rule was, work hard and I PROMISE they would enjoy Monday's session (I told all of the mum's to bring spare clothes....). As my group had the entire track to themselves we used lanes today (perfect), 2 groups, 7 each fairly even pace except for the first boy (he is faster by 2-3 sec). Harley is an U12 and breaks 30 for 200, two other boys are high 31 & low 32, then loads cross in 33. Strangely and I haven't ascertained why (have been coaching only for a month), Harley U12 & Scottie U11 are brothers, Harley smashes Scottie over 200, but 100m Scottie beats Harley hands down.

And to the comment I should have done more; I could have jogged to the track (Jo offered to pick me up, but I wasn't in the mood), I should have gone to pilates (but I wasn't in the mood)....


Anonymous said...

Some days you just can't be stuffed training more - even though you know you should.........

jojo said...

yeah what a nice gal i am to offer-lazybones(lol)..but remember -you had done 7.6kms at lunch.its not like you did ZERO

Andrew(ajh) said...

Re your comment on my blog, I can't believe your son is 21, I never would have thought you were old enough. You must either have started early or hold your age well!

Stu Mac said...

A bit of both Andrew, I turn 42 in 4 months, so an early starter!