Thursday 11 December 2008

Gym, soccer & a short track set

In the gym for 45 minutes this morning, shoulders, chest, upper back, a little arms, obliques, lunges & squats, core & butt.

Today was the semi final for the Plate Final, 5th - 8th, sadly our loss last week resulted in our team being dropped from 3rd to 5th....grrrrr AND can you believe it, we played 8th (Thunderbirds) who have only won 2/16 games and we lost in extra time to the Golden Goal rule, a penalty (which was deserved). FUCK is the only way I can describe how I felt.

A quick set tonight, fast but short (in time). I eventually did 8 laps to warm up with some of the 17 year old boys and then some with Celeste and some of Burkie's girls. 4x200m in 1 or 2 sec slower than race pace and I did 2x150 with Lexie who was going slightly slower and then building the pace where she was FLAT out with 50m to go.

My 200m reps were: 31.90 / 32.02 / 32.23 / 32.95
I didn't time the 150m reps, but the first 30m was slower than I had been doing then the next 50m was very similar to my 200m pace and then from the 50m OMG, Lexie went at a pace that I COULD NOT!!! I did increase my pace but only for 30m (maybe)..., the second rep I just tried to hold a faster pace but the legs were not happy anymore. I finished off with 5 laps of the infield with various people.

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