Sunday 15 June 2008

You Yangs & Communion

This morning I meet a few guys from the Club at 7:30am, they like me, had busy days planned so an earlier start than the normal Sunday Club run. This mornings plan was 60 min, I knew it would be a bit faster than I normally would be running as all 4 are quicker than me and of course every time we came near a hill, my legs reminded me that I ran a few k's yesterday...

We ran a part of the normal Branding Road, then up the big hill to the carpark and then was we re-grouped (yep them waiting for me) we ran along Rushwood Rd (rolling hills), then turned left and made our way to GCD, ouch....once we turned right onto GCD we went up the biggest hill on the road, OMFG, I struggled and even walked a little (yes Jo, I walked...). Once at the top (with encouragement from Luke, who came back down to do it all over again with me) we moved off the road onto a small trail which went slowly upwards, gees there isn't many flat areas up in this area of the park.... Finally we got to the top of the hill and then back onto GCD and we made our way back to Toynes Rd, arriving in 60:03, amazing how we hit the planned time.

A nice mist of rain for the final 20 minutes and excluding some tired legs a really enjoying run. It has been a long time since I have been fit enough to run with these guys, even though they waited or came back for me after each decent hill I don't think I would have been able to stick with them on the flat 4 weeks ago. :-)

Connor's Communion today with all of his Grade 4C friends at St Peters Apostle PS.


Anonymous said...

It's nice that a few guys from the club like you! Village

jojo said...

you walked!!!! what a slacker you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!