Saturday 18 August 2007

Sat 18 Aug 07, WLAC Handicap race & AV Round 8 8km XC

At least the day started off well! I went to the WLAC XC Presentation Day which started with a 1500m handicap race which combined all age groups, I was the rabbit and ran the entire course. The first two place getters of the race were a 12 & 14 year olds I coach, both started way ahead of where they really should have been as the Centre uses a formula which uses their PBs from the XC season but also their 1500 & 800 PB times from the track season, well those times were before coaching, so they had a BIG advantage and were nearly 20 seconds ahead of 3rd... Presentations, C & D were both very happy to get third in their respective age groups, especially D as this was his second trophy and his first placing trophy.

After the Presentation I took off home to make lunches and to organise the boys. I left home 10 before 12pm, stopping along the way to drop off, then pick up Cam in Lav & then Ads near Spotswood, arriving in Fairfield at Yarra Bend just after 1pm. We walked to the starting area and quickly organised the boys (they were playing) so I could take off for a warm up with the guys. We ran the 3k course for a look-see, not too hilly, but heaps of uneven ground, long grass, not a typical course for AV, but a honest one. The course for the men today was one 2km loop then 2x3km loops.

Not too many good words about my actual race, my first DNF in a few years and to sum it up "a very frustrating experience"!!! The race for me finished at approximately the 5.5-6km area. Just after completing the first 3k loop I became quite unsettled and tried to walk it off, I re-started running again after receiving some concerned comments from Tim C (Sandy AC & the AV Winter Mngr), cruising past (not racing) Burkie I checked if the rest of the 10 Western Aths guys were still running (knowing I was an extra), they were, so I thought well I'll just cruise for the remainder of the run and play it safe. But up the next slight hill I became dizzy again and so I decided enough was enough and stepped off the course. I then sat on the sidelines with a few concerned AV persons, once settled I wandered back and got dressed and took some time alone. Which ended up chatting with D who came over to see how I beat Cameron... :-) at least he had been watching.

This may be the end of the winter season for me, three races now, a rest from racing may be on the cards, my current confidence of me completing races is quite low. And for the regular readers, yes I did go to the doc last time, lots of tests, NO problems, very healthy according to the tests.

Known splits: 2k - 8:24, 3km - 13:04


jojo said...

() hug for stu. i think you did the right thing stopping.. hope you are ok

Anonymous said...

I am at a loss, but at least the doc hasn't found anything weird.

Sorry I didn't get to catch up with you yesterday, I was nervous as hell before the race and a bit hyper afterwards and forgot to look for people.

Take is easy.

Ewen said...

Sorry to hear about the DNF Stu - that's a strange one. A good block of training will help the confidence I'm sure.

Congrats to C & D - sounds like they had fun.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Stu, don't sweat the DNF, but sounds to me like some more tests may be a good idea. Back to the doc, mate!

Tesso said...

Gees, if that's 'very healthy' ... Scary stuff. Hopefully the rest from racing will do the trick.

Take care.

Clare said...

The Village cop and I think it is probably the tips in your hair causing you all the drama..

Maybe you should find a new hairdresser??