Monday 13 August 2007

Mon 13 Aug 07, morning stroll around the Tan

Arrived at the Tan just after 6am and had to start in the rain, as per normal, I ran two laps, one in each direction. It rained the entire time I was running, first lap 17:56 & 2nd in 17:30. Back to work for a hot shower.

Coaching Little Aths kids, just a short session, with a warm up around 1500m and then lots of drills. A couple of relay games and then a game of keepings off which ended up being non refereed as I thought they were having fun and didn't need me... :-)


jojo said...

i wonder if i could convince brian to let us play keepings off at training..that sounds like heaps of fun!

Ewen said...

Stu, a good fun session if you have enough kids is to divide them into two teams for a parlouf relay over 3-5k or so. Let each team work out their own strategy for how many times they run, and distance of legs. It's also a good way of having sprinters and distance runners working together.