Monday 27 August 2007

Mon 27 Aug 07, morning run & Western Aths AGM

Started early today, on the Tan right on 6am and jogged two laps of the Tan. No times as I forgot my watch but they were both slow, very slow. The first lap I felt like a cripple, I thought I was dragging a sled with me. Both my legs were heavy & tired, my right achilles felt like a knife was sticking into me and I just felt like the whole experience was wrong! The second lap, thankfully, was better, still slow, probably mid 18's.

Tonight I took my young group for a training session, concentrating on starts and technique over short distances. Then two girls who are preparing themselves for competition at the PS District Champs, they are both moving up in height over the hurdles, so I took them for some basic drills and then we worked on the stride leading up to the first hurdle. I then got a few finer points from one of the Club hurdle coaches and then off to the AGM, another year as the Western Aths Secretary :-)

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