Sunday 8 October 2006

Sun 08 Oct 06, sadly 5km only

5km today and for the week so far.

Out the door this morning at 7:01am for 75-90 minutes, but my r.heel was very sore this morning, it has been for a few weeks and steadily getting sorer on occasions and this morning was one of those times! There have been other runs where it has been tender but the pain subsides as I warm up, but not today.

It was 10 degrees, but sun was out and the wind very mild so it would have been a nice day to stroll, but after 2km and a bit I was very aware that I was limping and considerably favoring one side so I turned back towards home still with the hope of it warming up. But at 4k my opposite hip was starting to hurt from my favoring and the heel was still very annoying so I walked the final 300-400m. I have had discomfort here before, it is the attachment area of the achilles onto the heel.

Once home I got the blue ice and the damp tea towel and spent 20 minutes on the lounge. Re did one hour later and got myself some anti-inflams.

Now in the evening the heel is ok and I was very able to do my Little A's activities,hopping, jumping and running with the U6 kids, but I'll keep up the icing and anti-inflams and probably steer from early morning runs. Definitely not the way to start the weekly kilometres... :-(


Ewen said...

That's no good Stu. Heel problems are buggers of things. Running later in the day works for me in this regard.

Spark Driver said...

I hope your heel feels better soon.