Tuesday 27 June 2006

Tue 27 Jun 06, track 8 x 1000m

13km today and 28km for the week so far, 24 runs/27 days this month

COLD, that is the only way to describe today, it was 9.5 degrees at 3pm, so it was even cooler when I started my track session at 5pm. When I arrived at the track I noticed that Dave S was already completing a lap of the Complex, so I crossed the track and started jogging to meet up with him on his first lap, we continued on for another 3 laps. Some light stretching, a few drills and some strides, already to go. The plan for myself was 8x1000, not too hard of a session and try to remain completely in control of my session, Dave was doing half of this as he needed to leave early.

I wanted the first rep in 4:05 (wanted to start slower than normal) and from there I wanted to sit 3:58 for a few and then creep down to 3:55, 3:50, the recovery was a floating 200. The first rep both Dave & I chatted the entire time, the rep was done easy. The second we talked for the first 600m, then Dave quietened a little so I continued chatting for remainder. The next reps we chatted mainly on the first lap and from after 4 I was by myself.

Splits (recovery):
4.05 (1.20)
3.57 (1.25)
4.01 (1.21)
3.58 (1.55, 1/2 way so I walked a bit)
3.54 (1.20)
3.56 (1.21)
3.54 (1.29)

Burkie wasn't at the track tonight, I chatted with him later via SMS, his words were 'good solid session, improving, but slow'. I did feel very in control of tonight's session and will need to concentrate on reducing the recovery and speeding up a bit, but I was concerned with my apparent lack of energy.

Finished the session with 2 clockwise laps in lane 8 and then 5 laps on the inside grassed area, with beanie, gloves, long T & a T underneath, long Skins & track pants.

1 comment:

Tesso said...

Looks like you achieved what you set out to do with those times, except for that 4:01 sneaking in there. Wow, how do you do that!