Sunday 4 June 2006

Sun 04 Jun 06, a sore and tired run

15km today and for the week so far, 3/4 runs this month

Out the door from home at 7:45am, T shirt, cap and shorts, weather not to bad probably 8-10 degrees. My run started with some discomfort in the left glute and both inner thighs (groin) and overall the legs felt very tired. Today I decided to wearing my Garmin for distance and pace, but I knew pace was not going to be a real issue today, the plan was to feel easy.

I ran for 77 minutes, and hit 15.2km when I got home. A tough & slow day at the office, alone and could have easily stopped at any time, but a tick in the box, another run in the 'bank'. Stretched, showered, had 2 bowls of cerial for breaky and toast about 30 minutes later, was very hungry this morning.

Legs are still a little tired, so I will take it easy again tomorrow and ease back into the week.

The perma-link above was posted by Plu, an article about making your blog more interesting and readable. I found this article interesting for various reasons, I started my blog for me, a place to write my running stats instead of a spreadsheet, I could update from home, work or a cafe and not just from my home PC, I could also write lots of thoughts. One statement in the article;

Write honestly. Don’t hide, and don’t stop short.

Well this could be hard for me as I do have a cryptic personality at times, but I am sure the readers of my blog have worked that out over time. But I did very much enjoy the article and if you are a blogger I suggest you may enjoy a read if you haven't already.


Anonymous said...

wow, great time Stuart.

Hope the legs feel better after some rest

Em said...

Interesting article, not sure how honest I am prepared to be though, some thing need to be kept to myself, a little bit of mystery never hurts.

As for your pre-race prep on Friday night, nice one, you probably needed a big blow out, hope you had a fab time. Possibly won't adopt that strategy before the GCHM, however, afterwards, under my brothers influence, you may all never hear from me again :-)

Sekhmet said...

Hmmm, I thought you said that kind of hour was a silly time to get up and go for a run? Are you converting to the early morning Sunday run???

I really enjoyed the article that Plu linked to - much food for thought. I think most of us started blogging for ourselves and not really expecting an audience. It just kinda happens if it's out there on the interwebs though....well, you gotta keep the readers happy (or just guessing in your case - lol)


Anonymous said...

I've only glanced at that article, will read more thoroughly tomorrow at work. As others have said, some things are meant to be kept secret.

Tesso said...

Thanks for the link.

Like you, I just blog for myself. Though with the blog being so public I try to restrict it purely to my training. Not that much else exciting happens in my life!