Tuesday 23 May 2006

Tue 23 May 06, return to the track

9km today and 21km for the week so far, 12/23 runs this month

Arrived at the track after 5pm and changed and got straight into my warm up, tonight I dressed for the cool, skins top and nike tights and t shirt, but started w/up with track suit top and bottom as well. I started with a 12 min run around on the grass and the surrounds of the VU Complex, then finishing off with 2 laps of the track and a third with drills, all up 18 minutes. Stretched and then did 5x70m strides, maybe a tad faster than required, but it felt good.

Plan tonight was for 6x1000m @ 3:45-50, but it didn't go to plan, maybe too much after 6 weeks away from track or maybe too much after being unwell for 2 weeks, not really sure which one, but it didn't happen...

Started off well, hit the first 200 right on 45 sec, which is what I wanted, even got the first km where I wanted, even the second was pretty good, but then it was down hill and it got harder, but I think I did the right thing in pulling out after 4 reps.

Splits (recovery):
3:46 (1:58)
3:50 (1:58)
3:51 (2:01)
3:54 (five lap cool down)

The final rep was harder than it should have been and I knew it, so Idecided enough was enough. After my cool down I sat around and stretched for 15 minutes and off home.

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