Sunday 31 May 2009

May's running stat's

More running this month than any other this year...

May km's - 244km

YTD - 962km

Injuries - nothing to report, most of the niggles are less niggling

Excuses - busy busy busy and I happily put the running concerns of others ahead of my own.

Races - XCR'09 Rd 2 Warragul 8km XC and Rd 3 Sandown 10k road, neither very well raced, but I ran!

Upcoming - XCR'09 Rd 4 Lake Wendouree 15km road race

Goals - Continue on with regular running and with 6 weeks to go until State XC Champs I will be busy with coaching.

Summary - May was the most kms this year so at least I continue to get a few extra kms in, but again in the BIG picture still minimal in the 'bank', but a 2nd over 200km.


Ewen said...

At least you're running and relatively injury free.

It's always going to be busy busy busy with your coaching, el President work, not to mention the "demands" from the home front. You've got quite a juggling act going.

jojo said...

oi...demands from the homefront.... what are you implying MR EWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Ewen said...

Um, I was hoping you wouldn't read that.
Maybe you're ONLY demanding as an athlete - you know, always asking the coach for an easier session ;)