Monday 4 May 2009

Just rolling the legs over

A coaching session at Wyndham Park this evening; as a reader you probably think as an overall package I spend more time worrying about others and I think that would be true; as a coach I have more than 20 athletes of various ages & many parents who entrust me with their preparations and ability to achieve their best, at this stage in their running life.

But I do consider Mondays an easy day, but I would have preferred to arrive 20-30 minutes prior so I could roll MY legs over, but... Once everyone was ready, we took off for a 15-18 min stroll, starting along the river, then a residential path, over the railway line, back down to the river, over the river (a rock path). We then re-grouped and ran along the path that circles Chrinside Park (home of the Werribee VFL Tigers). Stopping for some light stretching near the pool, we then returned back to Chrinside Park and actually run a lap of the ground on the boundary line, which the boys thought was pretty cool.

After some more running we finally returned to our start point after 16/17 minutes of easy running. Then the group broke into some drills & strides, whilst drills & strides sound easy, eventually the kids tire as their is no waling only drill, stride and then jog back for 8-10 minutes, I only do one or two of these, so my running is minimal here.

Then an hilly interval run with a shuffle for recovery and then back running fast again, 6 reps of this circuit, I only ran one, the remainder of the time is spent coaching. We then finished off with a 6 min cool down jog and some stretching.

This session will need to start earlier in a few weeks, it was very dark at 6pm.

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