Sunday 9 November 2008

Skeleton Creek / Foreshore Trail

Sunday morning run from home, 69 minutes along Skeleton Creek. Out the door 15 minutes after waking with the need to be home by NLT 9am so Jo could get out for her run before venturing into the Vic All School T&F Champs.

I ran on the grass next to the concrete path until the ashphalt path started and then I cross the creek and moved onto a dirt trail for a few kms before moving back onto the grass along the Foreshore Trail. Nice run but f.all to see, very boring, much prefer bush trails, but a run is a run and I can tick it off as done...

1 comment:

jojo said...

aaaah a tick in the box morning run-how often i have done a boring run that is a tick in the box and not much more