Wednesday 26 November 2008

Junior squad, general training and Skeleton Creek

A little race leg weary...two laps of easy running by myself and then 2 with the juniors. Two brothers have been training with me when they can, both fairly fast, one an U11 sprinter who in time will need to move on to a sprints coach and his brother who is a good (not great) 400/800 U14 who is running 2:32 for 800. It is quite good having them around, it keeps some of my very fast U11 girls and an 10 boy in check. Tonight's set in very fast 800m pace was 2x300, 2x250, 2x200, 2x150 & 1x100 (fast). For me the hardest reps were the 300s, my legs were feeling very slow, firstly wearing trainers and secondly racing legs...

Still I managed the set and started to feel better by the end. A couple of easy infield laps to cool down.

General training and then home (no pilates) and I then took off along Skeleton Creek for a 46 min run with Jo easy pace, probably 5:30ish, some on grass and some on asphalt paths, good to get a few extra kms in the legs (I know I don't do enough of this).

1 comment:

jojo said...

that run just about killed me yesterday i was so tired