Monday 15 September 2008

Shit how cold and wet can one get whilst running

Wyndham Park with the group tonight at 4:45pm, I arrived at 4:20 and took for a run. According to my car, it was 9 degrees, well it DID NOT feel like it, I thought it was about 4 or 5! Windy, rain and just a miserable arvo!!! But I got 25 minutes of running in at 5 min ish pace.

4:45 I arrived back at the car park, only 2 kids there, so i jogged for another 10 minutes around the car park whilst waiting for late arrivals, much to the kids enjoyment as it was raining and they just thought I was an idiot! No messing with words...but of course when I said, let's go kids, they knew I was serious and the jumpers were off and they started following their silly wet coach down towards the river.

25 min tempo run for the kids with a 5 min w/up & c/down, a tough session, but a constant pace was required tonight, no fartlek in the cold sleet!

A good night of running for me, probably 12-13k's worth.


jojo said...

you certinly looked cold and wet when you came in... a bit like a drowned rat.... pmsl

Anonymous said...

WTF is up with the weather? Have I been transported to another planet? I still have a mild sunburn left over from Saturday while this morning I was freezing my tits off at the tan at 6am.

ads said...

Man, congrats on the move to the two of ye - you now need Guinea Pigs!

Ewen said...

Same up here. I'm not game to put away the gloves until November.

Glad the move (and box unpacking) went well.