Sunday 28 September 2008

A run along Skeleton Creek

My new home is 100m away from Skeleton Creek which has a path, perfect for running along. The first km or so is a concrete path (which I ran alongside) and then 1.5km of ashphalt and then compacted dirt. The path follows the creek all the way to the Bay, but the path doesn't make it all that way on the side I was on, but I'll check the other side another time.

I'm assuming I sat 4:50ish pace, an enjoyable run and one that I haven't been able to do when i have the boys staying over. I was able to hit the paths early whilst all were in bed and Jo was at home...see Jo, there are some advantages of living together...and you get to listen to three boys make a stack of noise on a Sunday morning instead of sleeping in... ;-)


jojo said...

Anonymous said...

And I bet jo was soooo ready to be woken up nice and early ..... not !!!!!!

Eat Em