Friday 31 March 2006

Fri 31 Mar 06, day of rest

0km today and 38km for the week so far. 22/31 runs this month & 69/90 runs for the year

No gym and no run, nothing, day of rest. Tomorrow Vic Masters Champs, 1500m on Sat & the 800m on Sunday, the weather isn't listed to be great, tmw 18 & showers, oh well.

Looking back on the month of March I see I missed a lot of days running, things get in the way, I actually cannot remember missing so many days excluding injury?? Anyway I will later amend this entry and include my monthly stats, but at the moment I just wanted to put in a short note.

Monthly Stats:
KM March - 247 (missed 9 days of running, excluding injuries I don't think I have missed so many days in one month in more than 2 years)

Yearly Total - 712 (down from last year, 808km same time)

INJURIES - none, but need a massage, I am aware of the hip area, ITB

EXCUSES - missed too many days!

RACES COMPLETED - Allcomers 800m and the Sunset Series on the Tan, both were PBs, can't complain too much about that!

RACES COMING UP - VMA T&F Champs, R4K, Aust Master T&F Champs, Geelong Half Marathon (not racing, but helping with pers pacing) & AV 6km X-C Relay

GOALS - With a large amount of racing in April I will need to be conscience of stretching & massages and of course listening to my body and return to some healthier eating & lose 1-2 kg.

Change of age tomorrow


Em said...

take it easy, have a good night sleep, I am sure you will do great :-)

Sekhmet said...

Good luck for tomorrow - I'm sue you'll go great :)

And happy birthday too!

B xox

Ewen said...

Good luck Stu! Just ignore the weather. Sit in if you have to but if the pace drops, go ahead. I'm sure you'll run well.

Tesso said...

Happy Birthday Stu!! Or is that an April Fool's joke ;-)