Sunday 19 March 2006

Sun 19 Mar 06, 90 minutes at the Woodlands Historic Park

18km today and for the week so far. 14/19 runs this month & 61/78 runs for the year

Up and out the door just after 8:30am, I drove into the city to watch the 2 marathons from various spots, but I was missing my Club's first 'pack' run for winter and our inaugural Registration Day with an info session for new and interested members... There were many lining the streets, which must be a real buzz for the athletes. I first spot was near the Art Centre, the ladies past at the 53 min mark and were in a nice pack of 8-10, the men at the same spot were there A LOT quicker (time escapes me at the moment). Then I moved moved over to the Tan, opposite to the 36k marker, this was a good spot you got to see them twice, the second time was the best as they were very close to the gutter and it felt like the back straight at OP when an athlete is in lane 8. A big congratulations to Kerryn, but also to all of the Aussies who all finished and all finished in the top 10 (I think). The only problem today was I forgot my radio and my mobile only picks up FM so I was making calls to those who were watching it on TV to ascertain if Kerryn was going to win.

I returned from the city after 1pm, had lunch and then took off to the Woodlands Historic Park (Gellibrand) for a run, I took the Garmin, dropped the singlet (probably not many more days where I can maintain my sun tan) and off I went. My plan was to average around 5 min k's up hills or down them and to run for 90 minutes. I love running at Gellibrand, dirt trails, feels like you are a long way from the city, but the airport is just on the other side of the road. When you get to the top of Gellibrand Hill you can see for miles, the city, the Dandenongs, the You Yangs etc. You always see wildlife and the only others you see are people bushwalking, riding horses or running, very nice.

I ran for 90 min 10 sec and ran 18.5km, I didn't notice the weight of the Garmin as much but the strap I find very distracting and annoying. But still the Garmin did its job, all I want to know is time, distance & pace, all works.

With 2 weeks to go before the Vic Masters T&F Champs I am feeling fit and looking forward to a good group of races, then 2 weeks later (Easter) I will go to Canberra to catch up and hang out with friends and whilst I am there I will compete in the Australian Masters, looking forward to it. And don't forget the R4Ks race is in between those (rolleyes), not ideal but I am looking forward to all 3 meets/races.


Tesso said...

Wow, it must've been sooooo exciting see the runners live Stu! You must have felt so inspired afterwards.

Ewen said...

A rego day on marathon day! Who organised that?!

You were there and saw that amazing race live Stu - fantastic!