Wednesday 22 March 2006

Wed 22 Mar 06, R4K training group in St Kilda

15km today and 53km for the week so far. 17/22 runs this month & 64/81 runs for the year

No gym today, I decided I would wake when I woke, no alarm, just let the body sleep after a late night chatting on the net, woke at 7:20, arrived at work before 9am and finished at 5:30pm, before making my way to the Saint Hotel on Fitzroy St, St Kilda.

Tonight I was allocated the medium paced 12km group, I was shown the new course, I told the coach I would let him know the distance as I had my Garmin tonight. A good sized group, starting with 9, plus myself and a sweeper, with only one face I recognised from previous weeks. There were a group of young ladies (probably 22-24) who were all running with the Nike group for the first time. After 2k it was apparent tonight's group were not going to be a fast group, 2 guys were obviously wanting to move ahead, I asked them to wait a little longer to show the dog legs and little loops we had planned, which they were happy to do. Just before the 3k mark the sweeper moved alongside and mentioned he thought we were going to lose one of the girls very early. So I dropped back to chat with her, she obviously should have been in the slow group, so a bit of a chat, brief description of where we were going and pointed out the slow group who were only 200m behind. She said she was more than happy to run with them when they caught her, so off I went and caught back up and told her 2 friends.

Around the course we were sitting on average 5:10 pace for the first 5k, which was good and we were sitting as a tight group all the way up to the 9k mark where we just started to spread over 100m. When we were looping back I noticed that girl mentioned above was not with the slow group...I looked at her friends and they suggested maybe she didn't do the loop and is back at the Saint...arrived back at the Saint and no Alison...we stretched and I drank a bottle of water, her run card was still on the table. I chatted with her friends and then I decided I better go back out on the course and tried to find her, which was a good decision as I did find her and just at the right time, she was doing her 2nd lap (got confused and just kept running), but she didn't know how to get thru all of the Grand Prix building and fences. So I think I am now the first Run Leader to 'kind of' lose one of my participants..... rolleyes

Well with the extra run and the short 12k (10.71k) I ended up running 15.2km according to he Garmin. Home 8:45pm.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Glad you didn't totally lose her Stu. She might have kept on running and become an ultra runner.