Thursday 2 March 2006

Thu 2 Mar 06, track session 6x400m

7km today and 35km for the week so far. 2/2 runs this month & 49/61 runs for the year

Warm afternoon, 33.5 degrees at the start of the session and very sunny, but no wind....Just me & Dave S tonight, others are working or hiding from the heat (hey Dave T....), we start with 4 laps and then I do 3x70m strides, stretch and the 3 more strides at a little faster than the planned pace.

Tonights session was fairly easy, 6x400m in 78-80sec pace with a rolling 200m jog and then restart immediately. Dave had a few problems after 4 reps, so we slowed the recovery, I thought it was more important he continue on, as he was considering dropping out for one. My last rep I told him I planned to go through for the first 200m 1 sec faster and then go for it. I was happy, finished the last rep in 69 sec, all of the others were betwenn 78-low 80s. I found tonight's session quite easy and could have continued on for a few more reps, but decided to stick with Burkey's plan, he would like to see me have a confident run on Sat at Coburg, whilst we both know it will not be ultra fast (for me), hoping I can run under 2:20.

Walked a lap, jogged 4 then walked another. Finished with lots of hammy stretches and then a bunch of ab exercises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Stu. You don't see me wearing tights when we train for the cross country season in the "cold"!!