Wednesday 13 July 2005

Tue 12 Jul, track session

42km for the week, so far 79.9kg

Today I don't feel any affects of the weekend run now which is good, I assume that my track session in the evening will probably not be one of the best, but it should be solid. My lower back is still causing some grief when bending down or after sitting for a long period at the desk, but no problems when walking or running. I still have the sniffles & a tickly throat but nothing serious, probably still remaining from last week.

Today Julie stayed home to spend the day with her visiting mum, priot to returning to Sydney on Wed morning, they had hoped to go to the movies and do coffee etc but there was a bomb scare at the Werribee Plaza and it was closed down from 9.30 to after 1pm.

I arrived at the track after dropping Declan at home after child care/kinder and picked up Cam. I ran 3 laps of the complex with Adrian (CR) and then did some drills & stride thru's, some stretching and then the light rain came in. So as a result I moved my gear off the track under cover and returned to run in the rain, 6x800, aim 2:55 with no more than 90 sec break which should be jogged.

Splits (recovery):
2.54 (1.16)
2.56 (1.22)
2.58 (1.39)
3.02 (1.50)
3.02 (1.42)
2.59 (5 laps of c/d)

As can be seen the recovery breaks ended more than they should have been & I included walking, after the third rep it was all an effort, but I got thru, a little down but still alot better than months ago.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

StuMac, this is just to thank you for your comments on my blog after GC marathon...another one from hell towards the end! But 'the end' I did get to eventually!

Reading of your training, as always, leaves me breathless! But then you've a long way to go to 75!