Tuesday 16 June 2009

Yep diagnosed; the common cold

Off to work today, but no gym set. At my desk by 7am and I knew I wasn't going to be here all day as I knew I was not overly healthy, throat, stuffy head etc.

Doctor's appt at 12:50pm, no temp and a quick listen to my symptoms and chest etc and a sticky in my throat, common cold is confirmed. Keep the water up, rest a bit and keep using the Codral Cold & Flu tabs.

Tonight at Wyndham Park, 15 minute easy running around the park and then strides and drills on Chrinside Oval, finally with my jacket on I started to sweat. Once back at WP, I set out a course throughout the hills and trails that took 2 min for the faster kids, I jogged the course when placing my cones and then the first lap to set the pace and reinforce the course, with 16 kids at training there was a big line following.

All up with w/up, c/d and a few reps, 7km for me.

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