Thursday 18 June 2009

Still coughing!

A Business Planning session and then being a part of the Executive Group that relays info to the Business Unit (Defence White Paper and the Capability Report etc etc), blah blah blah

But a good lunch followed in the Victoria Barracks Officer's Mess for 60 persons... and yep I coughed the majority of the day....and I must have done it enough to annoy the boss as his parting words to me were, "well done today Stu, see you on Monday without the cough...".

Training at the track tonight, nice and light, for two reasons; my cold and a 15km effort on Saturday (XCR'09 Rd 4).

15-20x200m reps (45/46 sec) with a 100m float in about the same time. As David was not racing this w/e he did 6x800 and Jo had school commitments, so it was me and my teenage girls who follow me about (lol).

18x200m was decided upon (by me) after a few reps.

  • 45.4, 45.1, 45.9, 44.5, 46.1, 46.4, 45.8, 45.6, 46.0 (the 100m floats were approx the same time)
  • 2 min standing recovery
  • 45.4, 44.9, 45.2, 45.9, 44.7, 45.2, 44.7, 44.8, 44.3

An easy 4 lap cool down, seemed an easy night....yay (even with a cold)

Here's a couple of good looking persons in my life....


jojo said...

err my hair's looking a bit maybe i had been running!!!!!
But k-he is a cutey :)

Ewen said...

She doesn't look too bad. I thought she'd be grimacing in pain if she really had bad blisters and a sore back.

Great results from the kids at Geelong - they must have a good coach.