Tuesday 9 June 2009

Another cold wet day in Melbourne

I know we need the rain, here in Melbourne we need it a lot, the reservoirs are very low, still below 30% nothing like our norther states of Aust, but I still would prefer that all rain falls whilst I am asleep!!!

Wet & cold this afternoon, even hail in parts of Melbourne this arvo. I was only expecting 5 at Ballan Holden tonight, myself & Jo and then Harley (14), Claire (very nearly 13) and Elyse (13), but all 3 kids had school sporting commitments and they were all very cold & wet from playing in the hail, so I told them all via mobs that they should enjoy a hot shower and a night off!

So, I thought this meant I could stay home and enjoy a quiet one at home, but Jo reminded me that we could still manage a run....hmm I know she is right but... whilst getting ready it starts pouring rain, for goodness sakes. Thankfully with some time wasting I manage to walk outside at the right time, its cold but NO rain. SKIN tights and short sleeve top under my running T and with a hat I was comfy to run. 45 minutes was the plan with Jo, along the creek pathways we went, after 8 minutes or so we picked up the pace for 2 min at a fast tempo pace.

Back home after 46 minutes of running, with 6x2 minutes of faster efforts, a nice solid set.

My youngest sisters b.day today, 35 and I even managed to remember to ring her today, I am improving with age... :)

Vic Primary Zone XC Champs tmrw, first 4 qual for States, sadly due to the real influenza issues a few who should make it through have to miss the day. :-( Running tmrw: Lexie, Chantelle, Demi, Thomas, Courtney, Chelsea, Tegan, Victoria, Scottie

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