Tuesday 2 June 2009

Reps along Fed Trail

Back in the gym this morning; a couple of chest exercises, mixed with oblique lifts, then some bicep & tricep mixed with incline sit ups then lunges & squats mixed with 1 min planks.

My squad meet as per normal at Ballan Holden, less a couple; 1 girl's family have been quarantined due to swine flu and two others down with the real influenza and 1 with the common cold, but there were still eight of us. We started off with a 6 min warm up, then some light stretching and then into the times efforts, 5x4 minutes with 2 min recovery. The first two recoveries were 30 sec walk then 90 sec shuffle, but the walk increased on the next breaks, but not the overall break, that remained at 2 minutes.

My 5 reps felt good and due to my inability to read a watch properly I got 2:30 into a 6th rep before pulling alongside the leading group and discovering my mistake. And if you are wondering why I was not with the lead group, I had been leading them, but I shuffle back to the last person and check on them prior to taking off again...

A good set tonight, solid!

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