Wednesday 15 February 2006

Wed 15 Feb 06, an easy 10k

approx 10km today and 50km for the week so far. 13/15 runs this month & 37/46 runs for the year

Arrived at the gym at 7:15am, a good session 25 minutes of chest, shoulder & arms followed with 15 minutes of abs, hurt LOTS. Felt fairly good this morning, probably my best morning for the week, after a solid 6 hour sleep which was great.

Tonight I did the R4K training run, I was in control of the 10km slow group again, slightly smaller than at Niketown. We started at the Saint Hotel on the corner of Canterbury & Fitzroy St, St Kilda, ran from there up and around Albert Park lake, complete lap, past the Gunn Runners and the TV camera crew that was filming (with Dermie). After the first lap we continued on for another 300-400m and did a little 'dog leg' to make up the 10k mark and then returned to the Saint.

Chatted with a few of the other Run Leaders, a couple of them are racing at the G on the w/e for the State finals, everyone (or at least a lot) are getting vey pumped for a big w/e of great competition.

All the best to my friends who are competing, I know there are a few of you reading my ramblings!

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