Thursday 23 February 2006

Thu 23 Feb 06, track session 6x400 @ 74 sec pace

8km today and 55km for the week so far. 21/23 runs this month & 45/54 runs for the year

Arrived at the track just after 5pm, Adrian arrived at the same time as me, he was doubling up for today, he had done a 15k tempo run in the morning and was happy to tag along with my session of 400s. So off we went for our 5 lap warm up in lane 8 (in reverse, of course), stretched, a few strides, change the shoes and off we go.

6x400 with a walk jog of 200m so we could start in alternate start positions. The first 4 reps were 74 sec, with a 90 sec break and the last 2 reps were 76 for me with Adrian maintaining his pace all the way to the line. He is starting to look good for 6Ft (9th time). The breeze was strong on the back straight and the bend near the steeple, I just wish we could have more gentle nights....

Finished off with 5 slow laps, the entire session done without a shirt, was 33 degrees when I started and still 31 when I finished. Did 50 crunches and 50 push ups, followed by 25 each side oblique crunches.

I hadn't seen Adrian for 3-4 weeks, he made comment that I appeared to be leaner and definetly more defined around the stomach. Which I'm happy about, as I thought I was making some improvement, a few have commented in the past week or so. :-)


Tesso said...

I don't know much about track work etiquette. I can understand why you'd use lane 8 for a warmup. But is that the done thing, doing it in reverse?

Ewen said...

Doing it in reverse probably equalises the muscles (and nervous system) a bit. The left turns of the track tend to work the right side of the body harder (esp if you're as fast as Stu).

I know one coach who advocates doing some of the 'fast bits' in reverse! Of course, you need the whole track to yourself for this to work.

If you only race or run on a track the left turns aren't as much of a problem.