Tuesday 7 February 2006

07 Feb 06, 800m race & along the Marbyrnong (sp) river

10km today and 32km for the week so far. 6/7 runs this month & 30/38 runs for the year

Decided to race a 800m at Aberfeldie tonight, I was hoping to run the 800 at OP on Sat, but other committments will keep me away up to 1pm, so a 3000m for me. Started with a 2-2.5k warm up, 5x70 strides and lots of stretching, I wasn't expecting a great result, but I was after a solid one. Last year I broke 2:25 twice, with a SB of 2:21.6 and this season I have managed 2:19 once or twice.

Anyway, in the same heat as Narz & Bec (my son's gf's sister), I knew Narelle was into some serious training and she would be in front (2:15) and I hoped I would keep Bec behind me. First lap in 68.8 and finished with 2:22.45, not too bad considering no speed work for quite awhile...

Cool down 5.5k along the river, very enjoyable, staying on the grass as much as possible, with Narelle & Gary (uncle, who is 45 and beat his all time PB running 2:10, very happy).

19 years ago I married Cam's mum, wow, a long time ago, another complete life....


Anonymous said...

Your lucky to be surrounded by friends and family into running, I don't know anyone around me who runs except for Mathew.

Is it just me or do you think it's odd that no-one has said anything about Jana Pittman in the forum (or have I missed it?) I felt so dissapointed for her, and the recent problems regarding feuding can't help much.

ps: my first thought was that you were so young when you married the first time...then I realised it was the same age I was at my first wedding!

Ewen said...

Stu, 2:22 is good considering your recent injury problem. You still have time this season to break 2:19.

Give my congrats to Gary - a 2:10 PB at 45 is amazing.