Wednesday 8 February 2006

08 Feb 06, Werribee River run

13km today and 45km for the week so far. 7/8 runs this month & 31/39 runs for the year

I had a late night again last night so I turned the alarm off and allowed the body to wake when it did (the beauty of being a public servant and working flexible working hours). I woke at 7:25am, I had been hoping to go the gym this morning, but as I didn't get to sleep until 12:30ish, that was gone, so some basic upper body stretching, then I did 30 push ups, 50 sit ups (wrist to knee style), 25 push ups, 40 crunches (feet off ground), 20 push ups, 20 oblique crunches each side, 10 push ups, 10 cruches (feet straight up in the air and then touch toes). Well that hurt into the shower and then off to work after my normal serve of cerial & fruit.

Home just after 6pm, change and drove to Riverbend Reserve, it was still 33 degrees, no shirt and off I went, along the river, up to Presidents Park, back to the River, upto Wyndham Park (checked out my special spot) around Chrinside Oval and then back to Riverbend along the river. On the way home I started to feel like I needed to slow down, which I did, but when I arrived back at the start point I actually got back quicker than previous times???

Did some basic hamstring and quad stretching, then drove home and stretched back, glutes, ITB and the hammie for 15 minutes.

My 'old man's' birthday today, 59 years, chatted with mum & dad for 30 minutes which I think they enjoyed, sometimes I'm not very good at keeping in touch, last time I chatted was Christmas Day............... (I know, not very good Stu)

I always can remember Dad's age, 20 years older than me, and I am 20 years older than Cam, I have reminded Cam and his gf, this is not a family tradition I recommend he continues.............. :-)

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hey Stu,

Actually I remember you from the ausrun site...spooky :)

I was posting on there as "estjane", however when I was injured I quite the site as I felt too jealous reading everyone elses running stories!

I ran the Geelong half last year, and although it was rather crappy weather had a great run. The last half I did was the gold coast, in 1hr 46m, I was rapt with that and would love to crack the 1:40 mark.

Thanks for checking out my blog, I shall keep an eye on yours!!