Friday 3 February 2006

02 Feb 06, easy running tonight

8km today and 47km for the week so far. 2/2 runs this month & 26/33 runs for the year

Tonight I was ready to start training about 5.15pm, convinced one of the ladies that she could accompany me for her session when I was doing a warm up, Sam claims she is returning to running and was to run for 15 minutes, so out the gate we went and on the local roads for 7 1/2 minutes and then turn around. Chatting away for the first half, probably 5:20 pace, turned around, by this stage it was mainly me talking and Sam just listening which was fine, then Adrian caught up and jogged along and Sam was happy to tag behind :-) . Back at the track 14:55, great stuff Sam, she then went off to stretch and do some drills. I stretched basic leg groups, dropped my t-shirt and did 7x75m stride throughs at 1500/2k pace, checked in with Burkey, with 2 nights of racing and knowing I want to race a 3k on Saturday at Newport he suggested I just go off and run easy/cruising pace for 20-25 minutes.

So instead of going back on the roads I ran on the dirt/grass on the extreme boundaries of the VU Complex, after 3 laps Dave S arrived and joined in to start his warm up, which was good as I getting a little bored by myself, company is always good, ended up running at a nice constant 4:30 pace for 24:20. Once finished I chatted and stretched and then went home where I did max push ups (haven't done any for a few days), 52 today and 100 sit ups and 5 minutes later 50 crunches.

I mentioned a few days ago I was considering applying to be a Run Leader for training groups for the Run 4 Kids (Start to Finish managing the training), well I applied and they accepted my application, so next week I get my free Nike apparel and we get a briefing on the role and then start the following week, looking forward to being paid to run & chat, anyone who knows me will know I will enjoy that.

Another note about my life; tmw off from work, some more test and results from the medical world, hopefully it will all be explained to me tmw, hopefully all is ok.


Anonymous said...

Does the Stu stand for Stupid?
Don't dare deprecate me in public again!

Anonymous said...

Rudolf is a really stinkin bloke. Forget about him Stu Mac, keep doing your thing!

Stu Mac said...

So rudolf, so are we talking about when I asked you not to hijack a thread about an athlete representing to countries and you wanted to talk about competing in a fun run or are we talking about when I questioned your statement when you suggested that the Prime Minister of Australia was not Australian or are we talking about when you suggested that the Queen of England could use free tickets to a brothel. So who is stupid and as this is my blog and not a public forum, you can go and get fucked and DO NOT threaten me!

Take the hint, post on CR, but think before you post!

cowboy, when I read you response to one of the threads I laughed for so long I had to leave my desk to stop.

Anonymous said...

hey stu, good luck on the run 4 kids role, you'll be perfect!
see you soon.