Thursday 30 June 2005

Thu 30 Jun, track session

79.4kg 44km for the week so far

Well the weight is down, but not a real weight, I think still down from the bug, yesterday it was 78.3kg, amazing how much fluid can be lost. Onto better subjects, my running has had to take a backward step with looking after the boys during school holidays and this bug, I missed Tue arvo & my mid week long run, bye bye 25k +.

I went to the track tonight for a session and caught up with a couple of the guys, we did 3 laps of the VU complex and 4 or 5 stride thru's. The plan was 6x1000 @ 3.45 and float 200m, 1.45 rest (which blew out to 2:00), but it didn't work out that way, not feeling the best, partly from the race on the w/e and I suspect the bug I had a few days ago.

Mid session, I changed to 3x1k & 2x800m, splits: 3.42 3.42 3.51 3.04 3.05 , time wise the splits were still better than I could ever had hoped for 6 months ago, I knew I was pushing harder than I wanted and the form was suffering, so I opted for 3x1k only and then remain happy with 800s with a slightly longer break, running to meet up with Dave who continued on with 1k's.

Four laps to cool down, it was only then I realised it had been lightly raining throughout the session. Adrian (preparing for his first race for the season), did 5x1k & 5x400m, all quicker than I could do...

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