Tuesday 28 June 2005

Tue 28 Jun, morning & afternoon sessions

80.2kg 34km for the week so far

Today I decided I would squeeze in two sessions, the morning was more about stretching. Arrived in the gym (inside, so warm), jumped on the treadmill and punched in 2km, first one ran at 10kph and the second was at 13kph, then lots of calf, achilles, quad & hamstring stretching. Then I did some ab work on the balls, upper & lower and then did some glute & lower back stretching. Finished off with some more ab & core work and a quick finishing stretch on all of the major body parts.

Afternoon session: Well sadly the afternoon session did not happen... About 11.30am I started to feel slightly unwell in the tummy and by 12.15pm I was not well but was hoping it was just a short feeling, but by 1pm I was in the toilet and the vomiting thing was happening. Left work and got home just after 2pm, hopped into bed, no more vomiting but felt unwell until 9pm or so where I manage to eat a couple pieces of toast with vegemite.

I awoke this morning (Wed), feel ok but lacking energy, but I haven't eaten since morning tea yesterday (excluding toast), I will wait and see how things go before I decide to run or not. Home duties for the remainder of the week with the boys and their school holidays.


Jen said...

Sounds like a great session Stu and a great way to start the day - not to mention the type of session that I need to do... J

Jen said...

Oh Stu. I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick ! Vegemite toast is my cure-all. Hope you are feeling back to normal very soon. J