Tuesday 12 February 2008

Gym, stretching & coaching

I got into the city nice and early today and was kind of thinking of going for a run, but decided I would skip the run and do some work in the gym, but minimal weights.

Lunges, lots of! Squats with dumbells - lots, crunches - lots, push ups and work on the fitball and then 15 minutes of stretching, esp hamstring, lower back, glutes and hip flexor.

Track coaching tonight, I had six runners tonight from my group and I also looked after Burkie's group (10-15) too as he couldn't get to the track until after 6pm. With most of the juniors competing in the Shield Final or the Little Aths Regions this weekend most were just having a short sharp hit out.


Ewen said...

Last weekend was a good one for the club - I hope LAs and the Shield is good for you this weekend.

Andrew(ajh) said...

Sounds like there may be a few sore muscles tomorrow - or at least there would be if I did "lots" of all those exercises!