Wednesday 6 February 2008

Gym, coaching & pilates

In the gym just after 7am today and straight onto the x-trainer machine and ran for 10 minutes on the fat burner program level 15/20). I was very happy with how I felt afterwards, just a light sweat starting to show. Then some shoulders, arms, chest and upper back exercise with light weights and reps of 20 with groups of 3 exercises and then a second set before before onto another 3 ex in the same style. Then some fit ball ex and then 10 min of running drills on the basketball floor.

Little Aths General Training, I jogged 2 laps with the kids who know how to control their pace and then a third lap with drills on the move. Tonight, I had assistants doing discus, hurdles, triple & running with me, 12 kids came with me.

Afterwards I jogged 2 laps with some of the 13-15 year old girls.

Pilates at 7:30pm with Narz, a good session of core, relaxing the hips, hamstring work and stretching. A nice sweat during some of the latter exercises.

1 comment:

jojo said...

..definitely getting closer to being back now...yay