Monday 1 January 2007

Mon 01 Jan 2007, the Tan & gym

A quiet night at home last night so the first run for the year was not a struggle. I decided I would go into the city ran a few laps of the Tan and then go the gym. I ran two laps, both even pace and then ran a further 500m to get the run upto 8km; laps were 17:40 & 17:30

10am start seen the temp already upto 25 degrees & a little humid with little wind. Of course this meant I was drenched in sweat, as my 'cooling' systeme seems to work quite well. I then walked to the gym and spent 45 minutes exercising and 15 minutes stretching afterwards.

Yet to fully think my 2007 Running Goals, but I do know I want to concentrate on The Great Train Race, Puffing Billy, I do hope it doesn't clash with an AV event, Sun 06 May 06. Another goal for this year relates to my birthday (40) and wanting to run a 10km race faster than my age.


Spark Driver said...

Great Train race is on my agenda for 2007 as well.

Looks like I will be 50 before I can do 10km in that time hehe.

Em said...

Phew, great wrap up of 2006, can't believe I have been reading for a whole year!

Quick check of the preliminary AV schedule and May 6th does not clash, though there is a 15km road race the week after.

Tesso said...

Ah, that's one good thing about being 'old', I can still easily do 10k under my age :-)

Ewen said...

City to Surf under your age is a better goal - could take a while though ;)

You could always come up to Albury and go for an 'age-busters' T-shirt at the Nail Can Hill Run.

Beating the train will make a great story :)