Friday 26 January 2007

Fri 26 Jan 07, Australia Day

An easy 7km run this morning, still taking it fairly easy after a few big days and making sure I had recovered from Thu afternoons appointments. It was a nice morning for a run, little wind and mild temperatures, I did a bit of stretching afterwards, concentrating on the calf & achilles, still having heel problems.

After my run, I meet up with a friend for a coffee and then enjoyed some retail theraphy (yes some guys enjoy buying shoes & clothes). I walked away with a new short, pants, belt and a pair of shoes that I have been eyeing off for awhile, happily when I first spotted they were $149, then $99, I got them for $79 :-)

Afterwards Cam took me to a pub in Prahan where I watched Australia destroy England with some mates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Destroyed!! I don't the adjective yet exists for what we did to the Poms. On JJJ this morning Dools described it as "like kicking a blind kitten" :-)