Wednesday 31 January 2007

January 2007, monthly stats & summary

January km's - 310 (2006 - 219, ITB & hip probs)

Injuries - Nil, injuried means you can't run, doesn't it?.

Excuses - I am still managing my sore right heel as a result of inflamed achille tendon attachment and general aches in the legs, but there good, aren't they!!!

Races - two 800m & 1500m and one DNF in a 3000m.

Upcoming races - Sunset Race at the Zoo, track races at OP & Newport

Goals - none really, working on general fitness and endurance as well as trying to become stronger on the dreaded hills.

Overall I was happy with my km total for the month, but my racing was fairly ordinary and that was why I picked up the kms as the speed wasn't there so I thought I may as well pick up the distance and start building for the Winter season. I have been consistent in the gym especially with core work and lunges. I could concentrate on some extra stretching and I NEED a massage. A few medical appointments this month have been quite intrusive which have affected some of my sessions, but overall a good month.

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