Sunday 2 July 2006

Sun 02 Jul 06, a track session, no long run this week

11km today and for the week so far, 1 run/2 days this month

With visiting children until Monday morning, I didn't think I was going to get a session in but a trip down to the track allowed me to get some form of a session in.

Sunday morning, light drizzle and probably about 10 degrees, I picked the keys up from Burkie and he suggested a fartlek style session, just mix it up, not too much structure, even though he knows I love structure, but I was replacing my long run (LR) with a track session.

I started off with a km or so slow running around the complex in light drizzle, very few stretches and then onto the track. I started in lane 1 and moved out a lane each lap for 6, starting at 100 sec per lap and keeping that same time per lap no matter what lane, so slowly getting faster. The I did some criss cross work and then back onto the track and did the 100 sec thing again, but this time in lanes 1, 3, 5 & 7. Then 4x400m at 80 sec, then 4x200 at 35sec in lanes 2, 3, 4 & 5, finishing off with 4 slow laps.

The home base of Western Athletics & the Werribee Little Athletics Centre.

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