Saturday 21 February 2009

A steady session for me...

After I dropped the boys back home after Little Aths I made my way back to the track to be a training buddy for Jo, a hard set for today and with 5 more weeks before the Masters State T&F Champs, there will be a few more tough sets...

A good warm up, 3 laps, then 3x100m of dynamic drills and then 4x100m strides.

For me, I found this a steady session, for Jo, a killer!!! As a training buddy, I sat in the outer lane of Jo and when in the back straight I moved forward in an attempt to block some of the wind and to provide a pacer. We did the following reps: 600/2x400/600/300/3x200 with some of these reps at 800m race pace and to say I was very unpopular is an understatement, but sometimes these sets need to be done and it was.

I finished off with 3 laps to cool down.


jojo said...

..well all i have to say is plththththththththththtth
(unpopular doesnt even begin to COVER it) you big meanie

Ewen said...

Stu, if you can get Jo to run a few kilometres this winter (more than 20 a week), she won't conk out half way through a steady session like that.